I almost have my entire laundry room de-cluttered, organized, and cleaned and I am so happy about it. I feel so productive and like it is a huge accomplishment (which really, it is if you saw how big and how much stuff was in it). I'm glad I just did a little bit each day...it wasn't so overwhelming that way. Now, I'll be able to check the laundry room off my check list and move on to the other things on the list.
Yesterday, I was also able to get a walk in with J. It's so nice to have the Spring weather finally showing up. We had to bring the stroller inside the house today so that my hubby could load up the back of my van with our junk (we have a big dumpster at work I asked to use) and the 3 garbage bags full of donation stuff. J would not leave the stroller alone. The poor guy even brought me his shoes...he wanted to go for a walk this morning but I didn't have time before work. So I'm hoping to take him after dinner today.
As for the rest of my Monday morning, it didn't go so well. I couldn't figure out what I wanted to eat for lunch and ended up leaving leftovers at home. Instead, I brought a bagel for breakfast and only had enough cream cheese for half (I forgot to bring more), a slice of banana bread, a cupcake (yum) and gummy worms (which is an odd craving). I can't believe how forgetful I was...good thing there are lots of food choices close by.
Now, here's my 27 week update:
How far along? 27 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain? I haven't stepped on the scale since my OB appt., so I'm not too sure. Probably 27 or 28 lbs now. Hopefully it will slow down once the nice weather sticks around and I can take J for daily walks.
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? Not yet...
Sleep: Sleep isn't a problem...yet
Best moments this week: Cleaning my laundry room and feeling accomplished by doing so
Miss anything? Not at the moment...just very happy to be pregnant
Food cravings/aversions: Gummy worms :)
Showing? Yes
Gender: It's a BOY!!!!!
Labour signs: No
Symptoms: Still just the heartburn...taking Tum's seems to do the trick (but note to self: do not drink something hot when you have heartburn because that's heartburn x100)
Belly button in or out? In...but I've noticed it's not as deep when I'm lying down.
Wedding ring on or off? Right now I have my wedding band on because I forgot to take it off after I picked it up yesterday from the jeweler.
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy...who knew cleaning could make someone so happy
Looking forward to: More walks with J...this weather is putting me in such a good mood.