Monday, 16 October 2017

Day Four of Stims

Today will be day four of my stims. On Friday evening, I started taking Puregon and Menopur on Friday evening. I have to work myself up to give myself the injections. I pinch my skin and stare down and do a one, two, three and go! I think I have been tolerating the medication fairly well. For the hour after I take the injections I feel a bit woozy and by the time 9 o'clock rolls around, I'm ready for bed, lights out! Other than that, I'm really hoping things are going well! I have my ultrasound and blood work tomorrow morning, so I will find out tomorrow morning how my ovaries are looking and find out tomorrow afternoon overall how everything is looking. I am praying things are going great! And I am continuing to pray that I will have a positive outlook and that this is God's perfect timing for our baby number 3!

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