Thursday, 26 November 2015

Christmas Angels

I love Christmas. It is by far my favourite holiday and favourite time of the year. I find that with Christmas decorations all around and Christmas music playing that there just seems to be more joy around me.

This year, we are starting a new tradition. Our community has Christmas Angels and these Christmas Angels are children in our community whose families are not able to provide Christmas gifts so the community steps in and purchases gifts that are then delivered to the families by the fire department. When I found out our community does this I was so excited! I think it is a great way to give and a great message for our children to learn from. Every year, beginning this year, we will be picking Angels off the tree to help give them a very Merry Christmas. This year, we picked 3 children and as a family, we had so much fun shopping for them. G is still too young to understand what is going on, but J understood that these special toys were for boys and girls in our community whose families reached out and asked for help.

Our Christmas Angels reminded me just how fortunate and blessed C and I are and I pray that our Christmas Angels feel just as blessed this Christmas because they are so very loved by their family.


  1. I love this time of year, so much joy and love to spread. Glad y'all are starting a new tradition as a family, so many beautiful memories to be made.
