Tuesday, 14 November 2017


We ended up having our beta on Friday and we did receive our results. Chris and I decided that regardless of the results that we would not be sharing the news until we were either out of the first trimester or we were starting a frozen embryo transfer. I'm so sorry to keep you all in suspense. 

I'm finding it hard not to share and write about it because I want to be as transparent as possible. And writing this blog is very therapeutic for me. I find it very hard to sit in silence over here.

But in the meantime, I have a lot to keep me busy! Christmas is just around the corner and I love Christmas time. I love how family and friends always come together, I love the coziness, I love the cheesy movies, I just love it all. And our wedding is officially less than two months away! Where has the time gone? I'm a little stressed about the wedding, especially my wedding dress. I've gained some weight since I purchased it and I've been told it can't be let out much at all because of how it is designed. So fingers crossed I don't pig out over the holidays! 

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