Tuesday, 1 August 2017


It's been a long while since I have posted and I think that is because our infertility journey was on hold until May. And if I'm being honest, I was okay with that. I figured May would be here before we knew it and we would get to do our cycle.

But, and I say this often, God has His own timing. And that's where this post will begin.

Last night, Chris and I were booking our honeymoon. We have been discussing our honeymoon for a few months now and it's been one of my main stresses about our wedding (weird, I know!). Well, we finally decided on Austria to snowboard the Alps. So last night, in our pjs, we planned everything online. Found a hotel, flights, discussed it some more, and began entering in our information to confirm and pay for our honeymoon. As I was entering in passport information, I just got a really uneasy feeling in my stomach. I didn't feel comfortable hitting the confirm button. So Chris suggested we wait and think on it some more to which I gladly agreed with relief and shut my laptop.

That brings my story to today. A "no called ID" number called me at 10:41am. I wasn't sure who to expect when I answered, but I really was not expecting our nurse case manager from the fertility clinic to be calling. My first thought was that she wanted to bring me in to go over the injections and give me prescriptions, which of course I thought was super early, but I was okay with because I lvoe to be prepared. But, and this is a huge but!! She was calling to say they have funding available this year and asked if Chris and I would like to be moved up from May of 2018 to November of 2017!!! What?! YES! YES! YES! I was blown away and so giddy with excitement! It's 2 hours later and I am still just as excited. Obviously, Chris and I were not meant to book that trip. That funny feeling in my stomach was God.

Now, it's time to prepare and get ready. I need to be pineapple ready!


  1. Congratulations, this is great news!!

    1. Thank you!! I am still in a bit of shock and still full of excitement! November can't come soon enough.
